Rent your Tesla to Drapper University community!
Make it profitable with Hereyougo!
We are a portfolio company of Draper University Ventures (invested in Cruise, Zoox, Tesla, etc.).
Our startup makes self-driving accessible for everyone!
We offer to take your car for 
1 or 2 months with a high monthly compensation and rent it out to a limited number of students ( only Drapper University and Herocity livers)????
Our first parking point will be behind the 55 E. 3rd Ave San Mateo, CA, 94401
The amount of compensation depends on the mileage and equipment of the car. We discuss this individually with each owner, but in general we are ready to offer conditions that are higher than the market average!
No! We total cover it by ourselves!
If you need more details, please contact us below!
Now we are launhing a pilot project???? - sharing of cars with hight level automation for our community near Drapper University.
Drapper Univerity? Tesla rent servise? Never heard about this stuff????
Ok, got it!????
But what do you offer?
Ok. And what about the compensation?????
Do I need to pay for inshurence?
Contact us now!
Contact us now!
What are you all about?